After all, it's just a ride….

Yes, finally…a Kubrick post.


Well, that didn’t take long did it? Friends and neighbours of the Mint will no doubt be quietly surprised that I haven’t yet posted anything on Stan the Man, but this can’t escape comment.

I smell a fake, but it is a fact that SK did invite video auditions for Full Metal Jacket. R Lee Emery famously (well, famous to Kubrick nerds anyway) sent in a 10 minute, one take, unedited audition of him in full drill instructor ranting mode, performing without pause or repetition, whilst stagehands hurled tennis balls at him. That got him the part. What a shame this Brian Atene genius never got cast eh?

Given that Kubrick’s long time assistant Leon Vitali (he was Lord Bullingdon in Barry Lyndon, and less obviously the masked concierge in Eyes Wide Shut) BURNED all the out takes and associated film archive of all SK’s UK productions I strongly doubt that Emery’s audition will ever surface.

As you’d expect, the debate still rages on concerning this act of ‘cultural vandalism’ (although it was at Kubrick’s instruction) amongst the on-line community. I think it’s a shame but that was his choice – the films still stand, and thank god there’s no opportunity for the absurd, pointless re-dux type activity that for me has marred classics like Apocalypse Now – if it ain’t broke, don’t fucking fix it.


One day I will make a pilmigrage to Beckton Gas Works where much of FMJ was shot, as well as Thamesmead South and Wandsworth, where the opening third of Clockwork Orange was shot. Jeez, ain’t I the life and soul of the party….

Illuminating interview with his missus here, I could go on and on and on but I won’t…..

One response

  1. FMJ audition has done the rounds and has elicited a response here. Vaguely amsuing.

    October 31, 2006 at 8:32 PM

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