After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for January 5, 2007

Flotsam & Jetsam II

Before I post my round up of movies for 2006 (and I know you are all quivering with anticipation) here is some madness I have been accruing over the past few days.


La Jetee – I’m on the record as disliking ‘Twelve Monkeys’, but not because it’s inferior to Chris Markers original story, but because it’s a badly edited, badly acted over directed mess – anyway here is the source material for your consideration. See if you can spot the only shot that isn’t a still.


When you’re out polling Lucifer, the lord of lies, at 25 to 1 then don’t you think it might be time to think about what you’re doing?

Some more Spidey 3 footage here, I should save this for my soon to be published 2007 films post but I’m sharing them here because I love you.

Here is the story of a charming individual – Sidney Gottlieb, the CIA’s chief Dr. Evil during the 1950’s. More here, and no I haven’t seen ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ recently…


Caught playing games at work? Calmly explain to your foolish boss that you are actually developing your time management resource allocation and interpersonnel skills with this little presentation.

Not a weblink as such, but as part of my job I have to go and inspect Marc Bolan’s shrine this weekend. No, this is not a joke, nor a euphemism (and I don’t have to do it over the weekend but it’s only a few minutes walk away and I don’t have much else planned so…) but one of the more unusual requests I’ve received in this job. A resident of glorious Barnes called me and explained she was looking to buy a property in the area but she was somewhat distressed to see this ‘eyesore‘ violating the local ambience – therefore yours truly has to go and have a look and see what the condition of the shrine is. I could just get a minion to do it but it is vaguely interesting – I may pass her number on to the Marc Bolan Appreciation Society and they can discuss the ‘eyesore’ with her…..