After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for January 10, 2007

Beam me up Steve…..


I want one. I want one so much it hurts. It’s funny, I’m such a critic of advertising, marketing and the whole sick capitalist system, but then I see one of these I wonder how much my kidneys would raise on the black market. I’m such a whore. Yes it’s pricey – £375 for the must have 8GB model, you could get a reasonable mac-mini for that initial cost – but this is essentially a combined Blackberry, i-pod, phone, camera, e-mail, web access – I really think it’s the first step of the next generation of gadgets. Touch screen phones are apparently not new – must have missed a meeting – regardless to me this is uber-cool.

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No doubt Apple have spent an obscene amount of money to develop and manufacture this kit and therefore the production levels just aren’t yet high enough to build one for every person on Earth –  yet. Like any other company, while they develop the manufacturing operations they charge a heavy premium for the 1% of trend setters who can afford it and are willing to pay it. Usually these people are not concerned with the phone being buggy and limited as they own the state of the art device – first. They’re the ones essentially paying for the bulk of Apple’s iPhone development costs. I don’t think it will hit Europe until 2008 anyway by the sounds of things.

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So that’s Christmas 2008 sorted out then. Cool being in the future ain’t it? It’s a portable computer that makes phone calls – and I want one now. As one technology specialist said ‘I think they just fucked every other phone manufacturer on the planet.’ If you need more convincing, here’s the keynote, you can skip to about 30:00 for the cool stuff…

Anyway, anyone remember Mr. Agreeable from the sadly defunct Melody Maker? Well, he has a site here.