After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for January 26, 2007

Flotsam & Jetsam III


I was pleased to receive this in the post this week, a unexpected gift from a fellow cultist. Perfect timing, as I’ve just finished my first ‘worthy’ novel of the year, ‘Great Expectations‘. It was pretty good, and curiously it seems that the film has is about to receive a re-release – spooky.

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Here are some photos I’ve taken around the big smoke during my travels. I can’t remember the last time it snowed. The last two are from a meeting I attended at Ken Livingstone’s house, or the GLA Building  as it’s more commonly known. It’s quite rare I get up to town for work related activities these days so this made a nice change from the routine of Twickenham.

 Some terrific unanswered questions here, great stuff. Vaguely related, this weekend’s homework is to review this site, and to write me a 2000 word essay on exactly what will happen when they turn on the Large Hadron Collider. I’ve played too many FPS’s and seen too many bad horror films not to be worried.


I’ve finally got my hands on a film by Kurosawa. No, not that one, this unrelated chap who has been described as the Japanese Kubrick. I shall report back.

Given this, this is quite brilliant, the guy is being feted as hero amongst the financial intelligentsia. Some linking around lead me to this story from The Guardian: ‘After being charged £20 for a £10 overdraft, 30 year old Michael Howard of Leeds changed his name by deed poll to Yorkshire Bank PLC Are Fascist Bastards. The bank has now asked him to close his account, and Mr. Bastards has asked them to repay the 69p balance, by cheque, made out in his new name.’

 Good interview with David Lynch, where he explains the reasons for his switch to Digital Video – it allows more space in the frame to dream, apparently. I’ve decided I’m going to go down to the NFT next month and see if there have been any ticket returns as they re-sell them 15 minutes before the performance. Wish me luck.


As our resolutions crack and disintegrate, let us remember that when we get back on the sauce there are critical rules of etiquette to be observed. I also give you the greatest drinker in history. Sixteen bottles of wine in four hours. A $40,000 bar bill for a month long stay at Park Hyatt, London – that’s $1290 a day. 119 Beers. IN SIX HOURS. Sir, I salute you (hic…)