After all, it's just a ride….

Hitchcock & Tower Hamlets


 Well, I have a new job over in central London. This probably means I will be blogging even less given the hours I’m certain to be doing and proper commute (can’t wait for that element of London life to return) to navigate but I’m sure you’ll all get over this void in your lives. How’s this for a tenuous link – so now this means I’ll have dominion over Leytonstone where none other than Alfred Hitchcock was born and raised.

 hitchone.jpg  hitchtwo.jpg

 There you see, seamless wasn’t it? Well, now that we’re on the subject of Hitch, here is a superb page that any budding autuers should memorise. Here, for my money is quite simply one of the top five films ever made, and here is some youtube flippery. Oh, and here is Hitch complaining about his hotel room (and very well written it is too….) 

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