After all, it's just a ride….

Comrades (Heh)….


Given the date, here’s a bunch of miscellaneous links concerning…well…a bunch of stuff that’s been floating around – inspired by this sent in by our Leeds correspondent.

Let’s kick off with a few observations on the main issue of the day. If you waded through the ‘Rolling Stone’ article, perhaps you’ll be as gob-smacked as me at calling your defense company ‘Custer Battles‘ which seems to be a astonishing act of hubris.


Naomi Klein’s new book is imminent, and is being serialised in ‘The Guardian‘. I haven’t read ‘No Logo’ but her opinion pieces and reportage always seems well researched and constructed to me, so I shall be seeking it out, especially since she has teamed up with Alfonso Cuaron.

Martin Amis – firstly a comment piece from a week after the attacks which is still resonant, and here are his current musings. He states the bleeding obvious in the latter, but in his usual skillful and thought-provoking way.


Finally, this post was also partially influenced by ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ which I watched again last night. Like many I have some problems with Moore’s presentation of the facts and conclusions, but you can’t deny his skill at stitching his particular brand of propaganda together – especially at the end. Right, I’m off to flog the ‘Socialist Worker’ at Richmond station, filthy sandal wearing commie swine that I am…

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