After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for September 15, 2008

Richard Wright RIP

 Very briefly this is real shame, 65 is too young. Many an hour was spent listening to material such as this in my youth. I’ll avoid the obvious ‘Great Gig In The Sky’ references, here are some of my favourite other Floyd moments, (never seen this before, terrific) including a possibly sacrilegious post Waters trackWikipedia have a good summary of his work and talent – didn’t realize he was born in the Hatch End area of North West London where I lived from 2000 – 2003 when I first moved back to the capital. Given todays events it would of course be remiss not to include this (although in truth it was never a track I was that fond of but hey…) –  Here’s the urban legend. Regardless, RIP.