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Archive for September 27, 2008

Paul Newman RIP

‘For a moment there I thought we were in trouble‘…..

Oh fuck. This is a real shame although not a massive surprise, I’d heard he was ill recently but its a shame he couldn’t make it through until next January where the lifelong democrat and political activist could have seen his country turn a corner and get back on a path to recovery. Fingers crossed of course. I think this is especially sad due to all the tales of just what a nice chap he was, all too rare a quality in Hollywood. Married for 50 years, donating all the proceeds of his food sauces to charity which was estimated at a staggering £200 million profit over the last thirty years, an old fashioned dude who allegedly during the 70’s coke fueled Hollywood parties would discretly make his apologies and leave should so much as a joint be sparked up. One of the genuine good guys


I wouldn’t include Newman in my top ten actors of all time but he’d certainly be in the top twenty. I’ve already banged on about how great he was in ‘The Verdict‘ which I’m not inclined to repeat here but just think about the other iconic roles he’s got in the CV – ‘The Sting‘. ‘Cool Hand Luke’. ‘Cat On A Hot Tin Roof‘ (which I got last Xmas and still haven’t ever seen, that shall be rectified over the next few days). ‘Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid‘. ‘The Hustler‘ for fucks sake, for my money the greatest sports film ever made. 


So here are the links to some of his finest moments as best I can track them down. By the mysteries of BBC scheduling ‘The Colour OF Money‘ is on Monday night which I strongly recommend, along with ‘After Hours‘ it is probably the most underrated Scorsese movie. RIP.