After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for March 2, 2010

mintys marathon movie medley xii

Some music for a change with the opening titles of the UK rebellion classic Quadrophenia:

The link from Naked is actor Philip Davis who was in Leigh’s High Hopes – tenuous (again) I know but I had to link through to Brighton somehow as I’ve just returned from a very enjoyable weekend on the south coast visiting friends, meeting babies and going to see The Shining again including a Q&A with Jan Harlan and Art Director Leslie Tomkins. The Q&A wasn’t particularly illuminating if I’m honest but it was a solid, clear print of the brilliant film that was observed in the excellent environs of the Duke Of Yorks cinema which is celebrating its centenary this year, it was superbly cool to revisit a cinema I saw many a good film when I lived in that neck of the woods including Lost Highway and Kundun in the late nineties. How time flies…