After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for March 9, 2010

mintys marathon movie medley – xiii

Making a single link between Quadrophenia and tonight’s medley link  has proved impossible, I’ve been wracking my brains all day and the best I can do is begin with Ray (NSFW) Winstone who was in Quadrophenia starred with Jack Nicholson in The Departed, Nicholson appeared in Warren Beatty’s underwhelming biopic Reds and Beatty is the star of The Parallax View:

Why the convoluted link to this scene? Well, if such a thing exists then this is my favourite job interview scene (Beatty is an undercover journalist who is being screened to secretly join a group of brain washed  assassins) and I had my first job interview of the year today, not counting the impromptu phone interviews I regularly endure. I’ll always remember this scene as I first saw it under the influence of some trippy painkillers I had taken after injuring myself during some drunken teenager hijinks the night before. I don’t think I’ve been the same since….