After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for March 14, 2010

mintys marathon movie medley – xiv

Well, my Shutter Island review is proving difficult to construct as initially there is a great deal I’d like to say, unfortunately the real world interferes with my time and attention but I’ll try to get a review up early next week. Suffice to say I think it’s the best Scorsese film in ten years, I loved it and am certain it demands another viewing to really absorb its texture and design, my comments will be based on my first impressions but it is a film that demands multiple viewings. In the interim please enjoy some music:

The connection from The Parallax View is writer David Giler who was one of the producers on Southern Comfort, a camouflaged Western that also leads nicely into an upcoming ‘best of’ list since I broke my 20,000 hits milestone. It’s nice to have goals….