After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for March 22, 2010

mintys marathon movie medley – xvi

Time for a party as yes, success on the new assignment front – this is almost too easy:

Yes, that’s Burt from Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex which leads nicely into Boogie Nights eh? I’m immensely relived as I’m been holding out for getting the next ‘appropriate’ assignment rather than taking the first thing that came along, unfortunately the market has been exceptionally quiet since Christmas due to the imminent general election here in the UK, a situation compounded by the seasonal budget freeze that occurs until the new financial year activates next week. My patience has borne dividends however as its an easy 45 minute commute out to Thurrock for me and the work revolves around some more Sustainability activities in the Thames Gateway arena which will look very nice on the CV. OK, sorry for boring you but I am overjoyed at this, back on topic apparently there is a local Art Deco theatre, just around the corner from the Council Offices where I was interviewed that was the site of a scene from (1:48) Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, alas it has fallen into disrepair. Also, some of the opening scenes of Batman Begins were filmed down the road so it seems I will have some investigations to perform, not to mention the Beckton gas works over the river and we all know what was shot (sorry for the obvious joke and German audio, I was aiming <sigh> for picture quality) there don’t we? Finally some connected good news and if you have been paying attention to the links then this seems appropriate:

A week of freedom until I begin, what to do….