After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for May 10, 2012

Killer Joe (2012) Trailer

William Friedkin has had something of a patchy career since his seventies heyday – think The Exorcist, The French Connection and cult favourite Sorcerer –  but he’s back with a southern baked neo-noir that has done well on the festival circuit, see what you think of this; 

Like most trailers that probably reveals too much, but it satisfies my crime criteria and McConaughey is meant to be fantastic in it. The BFI are conducting a screening late next month which I just managed to get a ticket for, my arm was twisted as yes Friedkin is flying over for a post viewing Q&A and he’s usually a good raconteur, it’s been a while since I managed to get along to one of those events and I bet they get Kermode to compère. Anyway that’s enough with the stopgaps, I have a backlog of reviews to muster over the weekend, yes there shall be some Whedon fanboy adulation here after The Cabin In The Woods and catching The Avengers today, alas it’s overrated but the last forty minutes are worth the price of admission alone – I’m still giggiling at puny Hiddleston, (a-hem) if you’ve seen it then you know what I’m talking about……