After all, it's just a ride….

Posts tagged “Apocalypse Now

American Classics 2011, Mate

This is looking like a very, very good year in terms of American re-releases. First up, one of my top twenty films is getting a new print and schedule of screenings at the BFI, I’ve got a ticket for the Friday before  I commence my Thailand adventure:

And when I get back a certain epic war film is getting the new print treatment, presuambly to tie in with the Blu Ray extra special super duper box set:

I know it’s an obvious choice of clip but it is iconic, and just about everything else on YT is disabled. I did see the Re-Dux when it was released back in 2001, as I think I’ve mentioned before I much prefer the original cut. So that’s two epic, juicy reviews I’m looking forward to crafting, I’m also looking into covering this which could be different….anyone heard anything about the movies that are showing other than Animal Kingdom and The Loved Ones that I’ve already reviewed?

Sam Bottoms RIP

He was great in ‘The Last Picture Show’ but this is his finest hour, RIP:

They don’t make movies like this anymore.