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Posts tagged “Elizabeth Taylor

Elisabeth Taylor RIP

Has it been pretty much one a week this year or is it just me? If you thought I had little to say about Jane Russell then I have less to say about Liz Taylor, an actress whose tumultuous personal life always overshadowed her on-screen skills. I never thought she was much of an actress if I’m honest, if I had to select a couple of recommendations then I’d nominate Huston’s psychological oddity Reflections in A Golden Eye and for a an epic, rainy Sunday autumn afternoon then it doesn’t get much better than Cleopatra for a hulking wedge of old-school Hollywood extravagance;

People complain about film lengths these days but that monstrosity was over four hours long and cost something in the region of $300 million by todays standards. In other news, I saw 13 Assassins last night and it was fantastic, best new release I’ve seen at the cinema this year. In a curious development the review I’ve started to put together is embargoed until next week, I’d heard of such activities to align potential marketing efforts, I can’t see it getting much exposure from my humble blog but here we are. Other than that its been a little slow this week as work has been pretty mental as usual, this weekend I’m glad to see that a new Herzog is upon us, I also have a friends early 40th birthday to celebrate which I imagine could quite amusingly collide with some violent civic unrest – a night in the cells would at least make it memorable. Finally, someone is clearly biting my style, I shall have a word.