After all, it's just a ride….

Flotsam & Jetsam VII

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Christ, a little bit of rain and the capital comes to a standstill. It took me two and a half hours to get home on Friday due to the flooding. Still, thank god I no longer work for Richmond Council as I’m sure this has caused chaos for whoever’s doing my old job – I can only imagine that the work requests and complaints are flooding in. Ha. Much better to be in safe Tower Hamlets, situated in a building within spitting distance of the Thames. Err, hang on……

Actually this reminds me of some work I did for Richmond, I had to write a disaster response type document for the central depot, and giggled to myself after drafting this first line – ‘This report details the emergency procedures that will need to be activated in the event that our location becomes compromised’. To me that’s more like the opening gambit of a SPECTRE middle management manual for aspiring supervillans. Speaking of supervillans…..

So, on with the show – firstly, this is pretty cool – a Periodic table of the internet. Speaking of which, here are some nominees for the worst designed websites –  My eyes, my eyes !!


 Just how crazy are the right-wingers? Well, not far off Germany in the early 1930’s if this article is anything to go by. Now that you’re suitably depressed, let me cheer you up with the best ‘Onion‘ article I’ve read for quite some time – hilarious.


I was pleased to see that a BBC Culture Show special on famous UK film locations featured a sequence on ‘A Clockwork Orange‘ over the weekend, and then I got pretty damn excited when I realised that the location of the early scenes was actually shot in Wandsworth – I go through this station twice a day if I opt for the Waterloo route home. I will pop over and get some snaps this week.


The highlight of the weekend film wise was ‘Birth‘, a film I had seen at the cinema and loved, but it was even better the second time round. Gushingly positive review here, Nicole Kidman is absolutely outstanding and it’s performances like this which convince me she is one of the leading actresses in the world. It’s just a shame she continues to feature in dross such as ‘Bewitched’ and the awful remake of ‘The Stepford Wives’.


I’m normally impervious to particular brands of web inspired humor, but I did find this entertaining. Oh, amd here is some music for a change, a full gig by Talking Heads, circa 1980 which has been doing the rounds.

2 responses

  1. SJR

    You will be please to know J that Richmond has servived the onslaught of rain. The only problem we have found is crabs washing up onto peoples back lawns. It is the first time Street Scene Enforcement has had a sexual disease case. LOL

    July 25, 2007 at 11:54 AM

  2. MWS

    Dear J,
    It’s jetsam, not jetsum.

    HTH 🙂

    July 28, 2007 at 2:19 PM

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