After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for May 5, 2010

Machete IV: i was a teenage machete

I don’t know about you but I could use a laugh, in around 36 hours a new, intensely difficult paradigm will begin in the UK that is certain to prevail for the next few years – this country hasn’t been so bankrupt since 1946 – and unless one of a trio of plans I have been progressing don’t come through then there is every chance that my career, in its current incarnation, is over.

So let’s have a laugh and look forward to the riots and gutting of the public sector, the guillotining of services, the inevitable deaths of the elderly, the people forced to quit their careers to take care of their aging parents and grandparents, all this social upheaval occurring whilst we continue to prop up the finance sector who continue to pay themselves billions of pounds of bonuses – awesome eh? I’m thinking of starting a slush fund to hire Machete to get us some payback, who’s with me?