After all, it's just a ride….

Front Row Centre – Sound On Sight

The Sound On Sight crew has finally revealed their new Film Web Review Show – please check it out below;

By their own admission it’s a little clunky but hey it’s their first stab at this, they only had four hours to film all six of the planned episodes, I’m positive it will equal the debates and insight offered through their site and numerous podcasts.

Whilst we’re on the subject of movies for a change, here is a fine article sounding the death knell for the Hollywood machine. Now these reports get published just about every year these days but I have to say that Mark Harris makes a pretty compelling argument, the next two years of blockbuster offerings posited in the piece is quite a depressing litany of uninspired, insipid trash. I also stand in solidarity with anyone who claims that it was the emergence of movies like Top Gun back in the eighties was where the rot really set in, and this sentence ‘At their most basic, their movies weren’t movies; they were pure product—stitched-together amalgams of amphetamine action beats, star casting, music videos, and a diamond-hard laminate of technological adrenaline all designed to distract you from their lack of internal coherence, narrative credibility, or recognizable human qualities. They were rails of celluloid cocaine with only one goal: the transient heightening of sensation.’ – is just fantastic.

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