After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for March 3, 2011

Dangerous Days II – The Revenge of Tyrell

Yes, I’ve heard. At first I was bemused, then angry, then confused and finally reconciled to this fate – as I understand it it’s a bit like being diagnosed with cancer. It’s been on the cards for years but I’m surprised that they finally extracted the rights from scumbag Bud Yorkin’s twitching talons, at least, at the very least, those rights don’t include the possibility of a remake, just prequels and spinoffs. That said the marketing guff that refers to this exciting ‘franchise’ made me grit my teeth – It’s not a fucking franchise its fucking Blade Runner you soulless, pathetic, corporate replicants (sorry I couldn’t resist), looking at that companies prestigious line of magical movie moments I am absolutely certain that this clone will be quietly retired – who do they think will go and see it? The fanboys loathe the idea already and the youngsters will have no interest in a reboot of some boring old movie that had Indiana Jones in it.  Anyway, it also reminded me of this which I missed, despite it being literally on my doorstep in Docklands. I mean really Minty, must try harder….

Hectic weekend looming, two films booked with another possibly on the cards – I’m guessing that The Adjustment Bureau won’t be around for long and I’m busy for the weekend after – plus I have last nights review to write. No rest for the wicked eh? At least I finally got that holiday booked this afternoon….