After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for March 31, 2011

The Tree Of Life Premiere

I believe the technical term is ‘fuck me gently with a chainsaw‘ – some wonderful news, courtesy of Icon distributors via Empire magazine that the most anticipated cineaste event of the year is getting a UK release on the 4th of May, a full week or so before Terence Malick’s first film in six years slowly gets the full global treatment. Just to remind you, here is that cosmic trailer:

I’ve had e-mails from my North American friends already asking me when I’ll be seeing the film, naturally I’m taking the day off and will be there, front and centre, for the first screening. Not that I’m complaining but this seems a weird strategy (not going to Cannes first?), presumably it’s designed to generate critical accolades that could dictate a wider release pattern throughout the English speaking world and then further abroad. Incidentally that methodology is closer to how films were released in the olden days (e.g. anything prior to the late Seventies) as buzz was generated with a premiere and a staggered release, certain films only playing in a handful of cinemas to generate genuine word of mouth that accumulates over time – that’s how the likes of The Godfather and Taxi Driver slowly gained their initial kudos –  rather than the contemporary 3,000+ screen smash and grab that hits as many cinemas as possible before the review copy print has a chance to dry. I’ve also had the nod in covering the Australian London Film Festival when I get back from holiday so that’s cool, having some contacts at the Barbican centre ain’t such a bad thing to cultivate. May is looking pretty hectic, along with a Isabelle Huppert interview at the BFI to support this I shall be scribbiling aplenty….