After all, it's just a ride….

GET WELL SOON – Roland I Feel You (2012)

I’m not entirely sure what this is, a music video, a short film, a tribute to the Italian Eurotrash films of the Sixties & Seventies or a curious blend of all three, regardless it is doing the rounds and I thought I’d share it with you – beware NSFW nudity material;

Jodorowsky meets Argento with a dash of Bava and a drizzle of Sergio Martino and Leone = sweet, sweet visuals. Whilst we’re on the subject of so-called ‘transgressive’ films I caught God Bless America on the small screen yesterday and it is absolutely hilarious, maybe one of the best of the year. It’s not often that I see a film these days that makes me wonder ‘how did they get away with that?’ and this has a few of those moments. Highly recommended…..

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