After all, it's just a ride….

Bernie (2011) Trailer

Once again the vagaries of the global distribution system confound me, as a film which was previewed at not last year but the year before’s London Film Festival finally gets a UK release;

Review here, I quite liked it as a light comedy with a restrained Jack Black, plus Richard Linklater’s films are always worth a look. So this is the calm before the storm before we launch into next weeks movie maelstrom, I’ve got three films on the radar even before the festival begins proper on Thursday – a Boorman, Iron Man 3 and a secret BFI screening of a particularly sadistic slice of depravity – and then the real fun begins with 9:00am starts signaling twelve hours of  potential screenings – and this is my idea of a couple of days off work? Nutter. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes in terms of pacing and screenings, in the meantime another trailer has recently hit for a film which is premiering at the festival, this could be good;

Looks like a change, a psychological thriller as opposed to a melodrama, a light comedy or romantic combination of either which seems to the usual trajectory of American independent fare these days. As always watch this space for news, but daily round-ups and full reviews will be appearing here, as and when I can construct them.

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