After all, it's just a ride….

Philip Seymour Hoffman RIP

Great start to the year universe you fucking dick, what the fuck am I supposed to do with this terrible news? It’s absolutely terrible and I think it will take a few days to process this, and let me clarify what I mean by such pronouncements – I’m not some celebrity worshipping idiot and obviously I have no emotional attachment to the man, but as a deep lover of movies the loss of one of the top dozen in the field working today of either sex this is just tragic, especially at the shocking age of 46 when he had decades of incredible work ahead of him. So here is an obvious choice I guess which many of my kin will be similarly posting, but it is of course the perfect choice – a simply phenomenal performance which makes and enhances the movie it’s in, which no-one else could have pulled off;

This has seriously fucked me off, maybe I’m feeling a little fragile and melancholic after spending most of the day in the cinema consuming two dense, uniquely American dramas with powerful performances punch-drunk with emotional and physical violence, so this comes as a triple shock to the system. Anyway, if the suspicions are true of the cause of death then I hope he’s in a quieter and more blissful place now….

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