After all, it's just a ride….

Archive for May 27, 2016

Bank On Peckinpah

So here is something inspirational to prepare you for a long weekend of cussing, drinking, and enjoying the perils of life as the Bank Holiday beckons. I’ll be trying to find something to god-damn see at the movie palaces, as it’s been too long since the last Malick majesty. The latest X-Men aroused my attention but the opinions of those I trust have convinced me to avoid such nonsense at all mutated costs, so instead I’ll turn my attention to that long brooding introduction to my Kurosawa season and Shane Black’s latest action/comedy hybrid which has enjoyed some reasonable reportage. Until then this might get you in the mood for some gin-powered legendary purpose;

|CINEMASTERS| Sam Peckinpah from Alex Kalogeropoulos on Vimeo.

This montage reminds me that I haven’t seen Peckinpah’s fantastic take on Jim Thompson’s The Getaway in quite some time, inspired by finding a dust drenched excavation of my old ‘Maverick Directors’ VHS copy that was discovered in storage I feel that a Sunday night ‘Moviedrome’ viewing might be in order…..EDIT oh, and yes I’ve heard the encouraging news, and will be courting my talents to be involved in such a fascinating regeneration development with all due purpose. As you might imagine that is pretty much my perfect scheme to be involved in down every level of instinct and interest….