After all, it's just a ride….

Posts tagged “Cinhema Movies

Sundance London 2013 Film Festival – Day 1

In a moment of Sundance serendipity and to keep the momentum going I thought it might be fun to publish my agenda as we go through the festival – that way I can prepare these posts ahead of schedule and concentrate on my daily reports and individual reviews for Sound On Sight. So here’s today’s schedule, a little more hectic than I anticipated when juggling some screenings and public tickets around – alas there’s still no trailer for our inaugural inception;

Now, rather than face a yawning gap of three hours between screenings I thought I’d best take the opportunity to keep abreast of current developments on the Hollywood front, apparently this is better than these mediocre trailers make it look;

I’ve got to hand it to Cineworld, and I’m not praising them in order to get any freebees – honest. Quite unexpectedly I got upgraded to a Black Card membership this month, and a sleek new ebony hued pass arrived in the post. For the same monthly fee of £15 I get unlimited screenings, and this tier of membership gives you 25% discount on food and drink – neither of which I partake in but a 25% discount is pretty good – and that immensely irritating £1.50 uplift for 3D screenings is also nullified. Now, I know that £1.50 isn’t going to break the bank but it is an annoying charge I’m glad to circumnavigate, and I say that as someone whom is supportive of the format for the right project. More importantly – and there is a point to this fawning sycophancy in relation to Sundance – more importantly you can book tickets online with your membership card now, and this saves me precious time between a ten minute window between screenings, good for them for finally bowing to customer pressure and introducing this feature as members had been shouting about this for quite some time.

Given that as of today I’ve seen 15 films at Cineworld in 2013 cinemas I make that £4 a screening, and that’s not including the other material I can squeeze in this month – I still want to track down The Place Beyond The Pines and I’m sure another blockbuster is on the horizon, but I’m probably getting confused with Star Trek. Anyway, this is absolutely fascinating for you all I’m sure, next is a big prestigious screening for Winterbottom’s latest, I wonder if A Partridge will turn up?

And finally the big one for the Menagerie which is also getting a media line and photo call. As we go through the next few days I’ll augment these with the previous days video round-ups, if they follow last year’s marketing model that is….