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Posts tagged “film editing

Flotsam & Jetsum XVIII


Hope I’ve got my Roman numerals accurate. Well, actually it’s all academic as by this time tomorrow the entire universe will have imploded when this little number finally goes live. Or of course, it might actually be here when they actually begin the real experiments. The most comprehensive FAQ is here which is still too complex for my puny brain, looks like that Grade C in GCSE physics has gone to waste although this may make the subject more digestible. As above, they’re not actually doing any of the smashing atoms together bit for another couple of months so so you still have time to get your affairs in order. I swear those fuckers are Half Life addicts though, I really do….

Bored a couple of nights ago I stumbled across this trailer to a particularly dreadful Grindhouse picture that I distinctly remember the video box in my local Spar video shop in Peterborough. Fairly sure I rented it at one point (not much in the way of rigorous BBFC age classification enforcement in that shop) but I suspect I’ve erased it from my brain as I don’t remember of that. Still, here are some entertaining trailers with some laugh out loud moments and ‘brilliant’ dialogue. Here is a vaguely amusing remake of ‘The Thing’ with GI Joe action figures. It takes a while to get going, so be patient.

Movie wise I’ve caught up with Chris Nolan’s first film ‘Following‘ which was pretty damn interesting in the context of his other movies. It’s a expanded student film and as such is of course black & white with non-professional actors, shot in 16mm and running a scant 70 minutes. What it lacks in resources it rescues in terms of ideas and story, it’s quite an intriguing tale of a struggling writer who follows random pedestrians around London for some sort of existential inspiration. One of his quarry is soon revealed to be a burglar and curiously entranced the writer turns accomplice leading to them both breaking into properties to obtain further thrills and insights into their victims lives. A girl enters the fray and things turn ugly as Nolan starts messing around with themes of identity and deception just like he does in ‘Insomnia‘, ‘Memento‘ and well, just about all his movies really. It’s also got his trademark narrative reassembly which I’ve just realised is inspired by the work of fellow Englishman Nic Roeg, albeit in a slightly less ostentatious fashion. Track it down, if only for the scene where the main character enters his flat which has a large Bat Symbol sticker on it. Coincidence or just….odd.