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Posts tagged “Juno



Well, another step forward with my absurd goal of seeing as many Oscar nominated films as possible. I’m going to try my best to see ‘The Diving Bell & The Butterfly‘ this week – it’s a film that didn’t really appeal to me but the reviews have been so ecstatic that I really should pull my finger out. With this visit I’ve covered all the best picture nominees which is good, just in time not to see the ceremony anyway as it hasn’t been shown on terrestrial TV in the UK for years. To be honest I’m not bothered, like I’ve said before the Oscars are hardly the harbingers of divine providence of quality, as a film nerd I just enjoy the biggest celebration of film in the awards calendar.

So then, indie upstart Juno. Ellen Page shines as the titular character, a sixteen yet seemingly wise beyond her years high school misfit who discovers she is pregnant. After a uncomfortable visit to the ‘Family Friends’ centre she eschews the obvious termination route, deciding to bring the child to term and then give ‘it’ over for adoption to pseudo-yuppy couple Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner who are desperate for a child. As you’d except, not everything goes strictly to plan in this unusual yet unexpectedly flat comedy.


Well it had to happen – my unbroken run of good films has finally derailed. That’s not to say this is a bad film, it’s a perfectly fine and competently crafted little picture but I am thoroughly mystified at the outrageous praise that is has received. It feels a little like the terrific ‘Ghost World’ but lacks that films effortless credibility and humour. This is like a studio version of an ‘indie’ movie which considering it was distributed by Fox Searchlight and was directed by the son of one of the biggest mainstream comedy directors is hardly surprising. Emo-lite hipster soundtrack? Check. Unusual title design? Check. Quirky and eccentric background characters? Triple check – heck, it even throws in a couple of Sonic Youth references for good measure. OK, it passed the time well enough, it raised a couple of chuckles and doesn’t outstay its brief 96 minutes but it is not the must see indie gem that a lot of people seem to think it is.


Still, for a first time scriptwriter – written by former stripper and sex line worker Diablo Cody (which incidentally is one of the best names I’ve heard since Tokyo Sexwhale) – it’s a capable debut even if it never quite convinces you that teenagers would be speaking with such effortless wit and maturity. Jason Bateman continues his resurgence after the cult ‘Arrested Development’ (which was terrific once you got into it) and Michael Cera proves again to be a naturally gifted comic actor. I wish he and his friends would get there skates on and grow up to usurp the tiresome antics of Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn etc etc……

I’ve updated my Oscars post accordingly and I’m trying my best to soldier on with my entry on’ There Will Be Blood’ but like my Kubrick post, it’s turning into something of an epic of size and pretension. For the moment I’ll just say that you have to see this film at the cinema, as intended. Ripping it from Bitorrent and watching it on your TV, no matter the size and definition of your home entertainment system is not acceptable. Support the god-damn filmmakers who have poured their heart and soul into making films to be seen as intended, with an audience, without interruption, in the dark.